Black Holes

Black Holes 

A black hole is essentially a dead star that had such a great mass that when it died it formed something so gravitationally strong that light cannot even pass through it. It has so much gravity because the gravity is being squeezed together.

A black hole is divided into two parts. The first part is called a singularity, which is the centre of the black hole. This part is believed to be incredibly dense because all its weight is combined into one point in space creating very strong gravity. The event horizon is the second part of the black hole. It gets effected by gravity meaning that anything that enters it will not escape. Spaghettification (which is the gravitational force compressing an object into a long thin shape) will also happen in the event horizon.

Black holes take million years to develop. They are developed by stars dying. Stars that have hydrogen atoms collapse from a massive cloud of gas under its own gravity. The nuclear fusions squeeze the hydrogen atom into helium that releases a large amount of energy. The energy pushes against the gravity which keeps the star between the two forces. The star lives as long as there is fusion in the core. When stars have more mass than the sun, the pressure and the heat in the centre of the star releases more mass elements. When the star releases enough elements and reaches iron, it will explode at the quarter of the speed of light.

When the star explodes it creates more mass and turns into a supernova and if it’s big enough, the star will turn into a black hole. 
A star turning into a black hole

There are three types of black holes: a stroller black hole which is the smallest black hole. It is normally formed from the explosions of a supernova and is considerably very dense.

The second type of black hole is called the intermediate black hole which is medium in size. This type of black hole has only recently been discovered but it may not exist today because of the speed that the black holes are growing at.

The third and last type of black hole is the supermassive black hole. Like what the name says, this black hole is the biggest of them all. It has so much gravity that it can consume material and make it bigger!

The death of a black hole starts in empty space. Empty space is filled with virtual particles that exist and then destroy each other. One particle is drawn into the black hole and another particle will become apart of the black hole. This is an indication that the black hole is slowing down and losing energy. 
As the black hole dies, it will become to have less mass and it will get hotter. When it dies it will radiate away with the energy of nuclear bombs in a very large explosion.

Black holes have large amounts of gravity. No person can escape the black hole not even light can escape.


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