Doppler Effect

Doppler Effect 
The Doppler Effect is related to frequency and wavelengths. 
When an object movies through the air it disturbs the air transmitting the disturbances at the speed of sound. The sound moves as waves and depending on the wavelength it determines the frequency which gives the pitch of the object moving through the air.

If the wavelength is short it will have a low frequency giving a higher pitch sound. If the wavelength is long, the frequency will be lower producing a duller pitch.

The speed of the sound remains the same no matter the wavelength or frequency of the object passing through the air. It only depends on the state of the air or gas. When a sound source is moving through a uniform gas it will produce sound waves which moves at the speed of sound. The sound source moves slower than the speed of sound, the waves will move away from the source.

When the sound source moves upwards in the direction of its motion, the waves will bunch up and the wavelength will decrease. When it moves downwards, the waves will spread out and become longer. As sound passes people, the pitch will change; this is called the Doppler Effect. When the sound source approaches us, the wavelength becomes shorter and the frequency is higher therefore the pitch will be higher. When the sound source gets farther from us, the wavelength will become longer and the frequency will be lower making a result of a lower pitch.
The Doppler Effect is very interesting . It explains how sound works associated with wavelengths and frequency.


  1. Hi, I have a done a concept by using Doppler effect .... Thank you



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